A mom wins a big jackpot in Maryland lottery game recently

A Maryland couple have won their third six-figure lottery prize in three years after devising a strategy they say dramatically boosts the chances of winning.

The unnamed stay-at-home mom, 30, and her husband recently scooped $100,000 on a $100,000 Lucky Game scratch-off ticket, and said they did so by targeting older games with large, unclaimed prizes.

Using publicly-available data, the woman and her husband worked out which games that had been on sale for longest had the highest number of unclaimed prizes.

Tickets for each scratch-off game are printed in one large batch, then distributed, meaning that when they're sold out, that game is finished.

The woman and her husband targeted long-running games which still had unclaimed large prizes.

They theorized that most of the tickets for those games had already been sold, meaning the chances of claiming a large prize were much higher.