A woman turned her $5 lottery ticket into $400k winning lottery Jackpot

A Cleveland woman is celebrating a big win after taking home a $400,000 lottery prize on a $5 scratch-off, according to North Carolina Lottery officials.

Madelin Contreras took a chance on her lucky $35,000,000 Blowout ticket from the Salisbury Mini Mart on South Main Street in Salisbury, officials said.

Lottery official said that the store with sold out the winning Lottery ticket to madelin contreras will also get a bonus worth of $10,000 for selling the winning Lottery ticket.

Contreras chose a lum sum one time payment of her winning Lottery Jackpot that is she took home $248,041 after required state and federal taxes were withheld over the whole payment of her winning Lottery Jackpot but as an annuity in 10 years.

She told the lottery officials that after claiming the winning prize money first of all she is going to buy a brand new car.