Last minute Powerball lottery purchase made a man $150k richer

Mohamed Salem said something was telling him to buy a Powerball ticket ahead of the May 14 drawing and that gut feeling certainly paid off as he won $150,000 in the drawing.

“I just kept getting this feeling in my gut that I should buy a Powerball ticket,” Salem said.

“I had the feeling a couple of times throughout the day and then again just before the drawing.

I logged into my Lottery account on my phone and bought a ticket about five minutes before sales ended for the drawing that night.

“A few days later, I was going through some old emails and saw one from the Lottery that said I needed to log in to claim a prize.

When I logged in to my account and saw I had won a $150,000 prize, I was stunned.”

Salem, 50, of Rochester Hills, matched four of the numbers drawn along with the Powerball to win $50,000.