Delaware County Shopper Strikes Jackpot with Powerball Win

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Delaware County Shopper Strikes Jackpot with Powerball Win

A stroke of luck struck a corner store shopper in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, as they emerged as the fortunate winner of the Powerball jackpot.

The player successfully matched all five white balls drawn during the Saturday, May 13 drawing, announced officials from the Pennsylvania Lottery.

Frank's Steaks, located at 227 Main Street in Darby, the vendor responsible for selling the winning ticket, will be rewarded with a $5,000 bonus.

Additionally, over 27,000 individuals in Pennsylvania secured prizes of varying amounts in the same drawing.

Lottery representatives strongly advise all participants to double-check their tickets for potential winnings.

This Powerball triumph has undoubtedly ignited a wave of excitement throughout the region.