Popular GLO app plans to add 2 million more lottery tickets 

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Popular GLO app gets 2m more tickets.

The Government Lottery Office (GLO) plans to add 2 million more lottery tickets to its digital distribution platform for the Aug 1 draw, because of the high demand for tickets sold electronically.

All 5.1 million tickets distributed through the Pao Tang app for the July 16 draw sold out in just over a day as of Sunday, the fastest sale yet since the launch of the digital distribution system last month, said Lawaron Saengsanit, director-general of the Revenue Department in his capacity as chairman of the GLO's board.

When the government lottery via the mobile app was first launched at the beginning of June, all 5.1 million digitally formatted tickets were sold out in five days. Sales for the next draw took only three days for all 5.1 million tickets to be sold out, he said.