Winner of $366 million Powerball jackpot finally claimed his prize

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Winner of $366M Powerball jackpot claims prize

MONTPELIER, Vt. (WCAX) - A $366 million Powerball jackpot winner who bought their ticket in Vermont has come forward to claim the prize, but we still don’t know their name.

The Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery says it was claimed by API Trust DTD. The state was not able to tell us where the recipient is from or who controls the trust.

Earlier this summer, the winning ticket for the $366.7 million jackpot was bought at a store in Middlebury.

It’s the first time in Vermont’s history that someone finally claimed the prize. Jacqueline Posley of the Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery says claiming your taxes on a Powerball at the end of the year can differ from state to state.

“There’s what’s called a cash payout amount, that doesn’t change. But at the end of the year, you do have to pay taxes on your winnings, and that will differ based on what state you are in,” Posley said.

The department is still waiting on the winner of the $1.7 million Tri-State Megabucks jackpot to come forward. The winning ticket was sold earlier this month in Bradford.